
If you are currently a SIUE undergraduate or graduate student and are contacting me as a prospective researcher, please email the following items to with the subject heading: Prospective Researcher Application [INSERT YOUR NAME HERE]:

  • A typed 250-500 word personal statement expressing the following:
    • Your level of interest in research (e.g. assist with current projects, design and conduct own project, gain lab and/or fieldwork experience, for credit as individual studies, volunteer occasionally as available, etc.);
    • Which topic(s) of research interest you most and why (e.g. biogeography, physical geography, GIS, STEM education, cartography, etc.); and
    • Description of relevant research experience (if any) – Please note that not having research experience will not exclude you from consideration. I enjoy working with enthusiastic students who are eager to learn, no matter their experience level!

General inquiries can be made using the following form:

I will try to respond to all emails promptly. Please allow up to two weeks for my response. If you have any questions about research or the application process, please feel free to contact me.

I look forward to hearing from you!